11/19/2014 0 Comments 6 Steps to Creating Your Sacred DayEvery year, I usually take a week, maybe more, to recharge & realign. While most people go on vacation to party, I take time to prepare myself to be a clear channel of healing for the students and clients I will receive over the year. While escaping normal life makes it is easier to embody sacred practices like listening to your hearts' desires and operating from those motivations, I realized I wanted & needed create rituals & habits of maintaining this feeling of sacred alignment in my every day life.
This life is a spiritual practice and how we show up to it, is the life you create. >>Tweet this! It starts by actively creating & participating in your day. I've taken the time to break it down into 6 easy steps. Step One: Gratitude Your day begins when you wake up. Every time you wake up is a gift. It is another opportunity to do something great in this world; to create, to forgive, to show up, to learn, to just be. It starts with thanks. Set you alarm. When it goes off, take a moment to give thanks, to have gratitude. Take this week to practice gratitude for your existence every morning. It's the fastest way to move into a positive outlook. Next week we will move on to Step 2: Using Sound to Uplift, Energize & Inspire. So now, over to you: What are you grateful for each morning?
February 2018
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