All growth is spiritual growth, including our business growth, but only if we recognize how those lessons may show up for us.
We talked about this is my previous blog, where I included a free webinar to help you stay grounded while you consistently and sustainably build your brand on social media. I want to talk more about the potent growth opportunities that come from deciding to consciously build and grow a wellness practice. The internet is shakti energy. She is expansive and hard to contain. When we decide to grow our wellness practice online, we can feel a rush of expansion. It feels good when you see that with a little consistent effort you have more clients on your books, more people attending your events, more followers on your email list. Let’s say you decide to host a workshop to promote an intensive you’re wanting to launch. Your workshop sells out. You make an extra $400 just on attendance, not including people signing up for your intensive. Things are going great, but on your way home, you catch a flat and it turns out that $400 has to go towards new tires. Instead of being thankful you have the money to cover it, you fall into the mindset “Oh great, just when I thought I was catching a break.” You stew over having to spend that money on tires. The “why can’t anything just go right” tape starts playing on full blast. That success high from your workshop and all the connections you made is lost. Instead of staying present to what has been going right, you focus on all the little things that keep you stuck. When we expand beyond our usual degree of feeling good, we play thoughts & create scenarios to make us feel bad. ← tweet this In his book, The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks refers to thoughts and scenarios as alarms which lead to upper limit problems. Hendricks says, “Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed our inner thermosetting, we will do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop us back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure… Unfortunately, our thermostat setting usually get programmed in early childhood, before we can think for ourselves. once programmed, our upper limit thermostat setting holds us back from enjoying all the love, financial abundance, and creativity that’s rightfully ours.” Upper limit problems can manifest as:
As Yogi Bhajan said, “Happiness is your birthright… the only problem is you have not consciously developed your mental caliber, meditative mind, and the attitude of gratitude and contentment.” The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks is a must read for creating a powerful link between personal growth and business growth. It’s filled with easy practices, affirmations, and tons of example on how to use these techniques. Learning how to monitor and adjust your thermostat, is key to sustainable expansion. As you expand your tolerance for enjoying all the good that is possible in your wellness business, you can apply it to all areas of your life. To feel more empowered to navigate the growth of your business as a wellness professional, join us for Claim Your Worth, September 8-10. for more information or to register, check out the event details. Can’t make it to the course? Sign up here to get my recommended book/resources list so you can start growing your practice now and catch us at the next offering of this course.
![]() There is an opportunity that happens with each of us as we walk the path of a teacher. How do we embody and live our teachings in an authentic manner while also growing our classes and paying our bills? So, you’ve decided you’re going to grow your practice. You’ve been getting by fairly well, but you’re ready to expand. Maybe you teach yoga (or have a certification you would like to use), or maybe you’re a massage therapist or other wellness professional. It doesn’t matter the modality you use to serve, it matters that you serve your community. There are several stories of Ardhanarishwara (Parvati/Shiva aka Shakti/Shiva). As I stated in my previous blog, do yourself the favor and check out the devata mentorship when it becomes available. They serve as some amazing ways to experience the philosophy and mythology around these stories. I know Ana Pilar, Libby & Susan are planning on doing some preview classes, so keep watching. For the sake of our conversation, let’s simply take a look at the iconography. This image (art by Ekabhumi Charles Ellik) of Parvati and Shiva statues are depicted as still, as evenly balanced, divided down the middle, unmoving. But we are living, and life is not two-dimensional. There is a flux and flow between the masculine and feminine. Sometimes we are more this, sometimes more that, but sustaining true balance, 100% of the time, is impossible. As within us, so around us. This includes how we as wellness professionals engage in business and wealth. I, very much, live by the principle that everything in life is a part of our spiritual practice, not just when we sit to meditate or show up to a yoga class,all aspects of life are an opportunity for spiritual growth. Sustaining the self-discipline and passion to expand in your career is very much a living practice. When I was first starting out as a massage therapist and yoga teacher, social media wasn’t even a thing. I grew my business through the classic finesse, word of mouth and referrals. Connecting to people and networking was easy for me as “I’ve never met a stranger,” but I understand that there are people who need extra coaxing to actually build in this way. Connecting and building face-to-face can be very grounding and nurturing. It’s like the boon (the prize) for putting yourself out there, in person. It may seem way scarier than reaching out into the abyss of online marketing, but the nurturing reward is potent. *Side note/tip: If you are growing your business online and start to feel super vata-deranged/ungrounded/unconnected, talking with people in person can bring you back to earth. The internet is ruled by shakti and expansion, so working in the ethers can make us a little airy. Get down to earth by reengaging in person, it helps, trust me. I remember right before I launched my first website, a yoga teacher said, “this is when things really start to change.” It did for a bit, but now just going online and plopping down a website with your hours, isn't enough to attract or maintain clients. Just being there, just showing up isn’t enough. More and more people are offering continued value, whether through social media, email, newsletters, or other outlets. With more access to options, being of value while also getting your message out (clearly and to your ideal audience), are both crucial in expanding your private practice and establishing yourself as a trustworthy resource. And that’s where we start to get hung up. We don't want to be “all markety” or “annoying”. We assume that going online suddenly means the spiritual consciousness has been taken out of the experience. IMPOSSIBLE! Because even if you feel crummy around idea of promoting yourself or educating and inspiring online, the internet is a representation of the Goddess of Knowledge herself, Sarasvati. (If you want to hear that story again, get into that mentorship with Ana, Libby and Susan as soon as it opens. It will sell out, so if you dig philosophy and mythology, get in there!!) Barbara Stanny has a great quote on resistance. “The degree of resistance you feel about something is equal to the amount of power that’s there for you on the other side of the resistance.” That goes for meditation, your finances, growing your business, and so on. So if you are experiencing some form of resistance, there could be some power on the other side. It’s all yoga, it’s all a practice. If you ever wondered, “what is Beth all about?”, I’m all about smashing that Piscean, out-dated, limited mindset that to be a healer or wellness professional or a teacher means you are less valuable than a lawyer or a doctor (not that those careers are not valuable. All ships rise, ya know.) Growing our practice, sharing our light, being of value, receiving value in return: they all are spiritual practices. < ---- Tweet this! They all start just like everything else, as an inside job. When we are mindful and present, that which we focus on, grows. I see this a lot when mentoring new wellness professionals. They want to use the online sphere to grow their practice, but they don't know how to make money inspiring people, so they just keep trying a bunch of different things and nothing ever gets any traction. They may end up popular, but they don't end up profitable. Usually, they just end up feeling burnt out. Or I see the opposite, they know the web is a tool that could be used for their business, but they’re only comfortable with referrals and networking in person, because posting online is forever. So they spend a ton of time researching the best strategies, SEO strategies, buying expensive equipment, and so on. They obsess over perfection, they question every draft for days before posting, they check and recheck all the analytics to post at just the right time. They know all the things they should do, but it’s so overwhelming, they instead end up doing nothing and keep waiting until the website is perfect, until my teaching is perfect, until my body is perfect, until the timing is perfect. They are deep in that ol’ perfection paralysis. Shakti energy is expansive and Shiva energy is containing. We need both the masculine, linear, “to-do list” energy and we need the feminine, the cyclical, the creative force to birth our businesses and our offerings into the next level. Want to know more about masculine and feminine play in receiving value? Check out my previous blog. Growing your wellness business online is like playing a beautiful piece of music. As Ana Pilar suggests, music is the co-mingling between Shiva as silence and Shakti (Parvati) as sound. No Shakti, no creative flow. Then you just have silence. No Shiva, no consistent process. Then you just have noise. We need both to make music, sometimes more shiva practices, sometimes more shakti. As most of you know by now, I am all about giving away some extra value because you’re worth it, and the more of us who rise up to claim our worth, the more we uplevel the paradigm for all teachers and wellness professionals. I recorded an intro to the Shiva and Shakti Practices of using social media to market and brand. I usually save this for in person events, but I heard some of you couldn't make the last few workshops so here you go. No worries, just get to growing! Click this link to get your free copy of my webinar. if you're ready to grow your practice, we've put together the Claim Your Worth course. (AND if you are a 200-hour yoga teacher working towards a 500-hour, this course can count as 20-hours towards that, double bonus!) I’ll be presenting with some of the leaders in our community, including Alyson Simms, Kewal Hausmann, Scout Chavers, and Fanny Priest. You can find out more about Claiming your Worth here. If you’re looking to create more ways to give and receive value or, grow a business that feels sustainable and in alignment with your values, or, you’re just starting out and feel overwhelmed with the 4-hours of business training required by the Yoga Alliance, then this course is for you. Sign up here before August 8th to receive your early registration discount. Now over to you, if you’re a wellness professional or yoga teacher, what is you favorite way to share your wisdom? Do you blog, ebook, video, in-person workshops, etc? And again, what is your favorite Way? what feels the best, what feels like home? Let me know in the comments below. 7/19/2017 0 Comments The Wealth of SurrenderOriginally Posted on Yoga Yoga BLog BLog.
In the cyclical flow of creation, after all the action and doing, comes surrender and possibility. In a culture that does not honor surrender, making the space to receive the wealth of what we are creating, in any form, rarely happens. We end up always on the go and never in the flow. It’s Venus night, aka Friday night, and I’m listening to a playlist I created specifically for checking my bank statements. I’ve got some smooth sexy jams, because I practice invoking some goddess of abundance vibes whenever I’m working with my money in this way. I have my favorite Voluspa candle (Amaranth and Jasmine), that I only use with money dates, burning and I’m standing doing some hip circles to free up some shakti, because honestly, it feels good, and when you feel good, you make better choices. And who doesn’t want to make better choices with their money? I’ve set a big intention to open my schedule up by dropping some days doing massage to make space to see yoga therapy clients in the Yoga Yoga clinic. Even though I feel confident the universe will support me, I am feeling anxious. It’s a big leap to step toward a dream, and even though I feel called to do it and my intuition is all thumbs up about it, it’s still big. I can feel myself wanting to do more, or thinking I should be doing this, or shouldn’t it look like this? Maybe I should take more trainings so I know all the things. (If you look at my education page, you will see, my favorite hobby is taking trainings. More trainings is not my problem.) I can feel the sense of flow & guidance starting to restrict. But then I remember the story of Lakshmi and her lesson of surrendering to the flow and being a choice, no matter what. The birth of Lakshmi is much like all the mythology, in that it is folded into a larger story, which is a part of a larger story, and so on. This isn’t the beginning, nor it is the end, but simply a moment in time where some random mischief and miracles took place, and also where a valuable lesson takes place that is often overlooked - but let’s give it some spotlight. For the sake of time, let’s say: The king of the gods, Indra, was not concerned with trivial formalities and ceremony. He was apparently rude to a short-tempered, and obviously underestimated super sage, who was so insulted by Indra’s actions, he was all, “Oh no, he didn’t”, and cursed the gods, making them mortal. Gods are mortal? If you’re thinking demon hijinks on the rise, you are correct. All hell breaks loose and demons are doing what demons do, terrorize and destroy. To save the world, Brahma, another god, suggests that all gods work together with the demons to churn the milk ocean to retrieve the amrita, also known as, the nectar of immortality. I’m not really going into all the details about how everyone helped out, gods and demons, and all the magical things that came out of the churning. Workshops and/or series with Ana Pila Cruz & Jamie Waggoner are great sources for experiencing the stories and myths in person or look for the Devata Mentorship with Libby Cox and Ana Pilar Cruz. For our story, we will fast forward to the churning of the ocean. Everyone is pitching in, gods and demons, hoping to trick the other and keep all the amrita to themselves. Shiva, Vishnu and the whole gang are all working together, doing their part. This churning causes a whirlpool in this milky ocean. Well, at the bottom of this ocean, meditating comfortably and happily, is the Goddess Lakshmi. She’s sitting on a lotus flower (obviously, because what else would a goddess sit on at the bottom of the ocean), just beaming with love. Lakshmi, being the goddess of beauty and bounty, sits back and surrenders to the flow. You could say, she was open to receive a new experience and with faith, chose to ride the current and float to the surface. Yes, the amrita was retrieved and yes, the gods fooled the demons and the gods became immortal again, but our story comes back to Lakshmi. Surrounded by the gods and demons, all desiring her for themselves. She is a radiant goddess born of the ocean. As Sally Kempton describes her, she wears a rose-colored sari, has golden skin, lustrous dark hair and large almond-shaped eyes filled with love. Imagine a scene from The Bachelorette. The Goddess, a breathtaking beauty and the suitors have all just churned a huge mountain in milk ocean but are still ready to impress and they’re all trying their best to catch her eye. But Lakshmi, she only has eyes for Vishnu, and she chooses him as her consort. Even in her birth, we can see the power and ease that comes with the divine feminine. She did not swim to the top or stress about what would be at the surface when she finally arrived. She used the energy that was around her and surrendered to the flow. This is the feminine super power. Just like what happens with our menstrual cycles. The mature egg simply flows down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. The egg isn’t racing to meet the sperm, nor is she worried if anyone will show up or not. The egg just goes with the flow, sending out a chemical signal to let the sperm known she’s ready to receive. The sperm, racing to the be one of the first ones to the egg, surround her and the egg, oh yes, just like Lakshmi, she chooses which sperm to allow in. And that choice creates and sustains human life on this planet. We need both the masculine and the feminine to create everything, including wealth. We live in a culture dominated by the masculine, the solar and the driven. When not tempered with the feminine, the lunar and the receptive, we can feel like we are just spinning our wheels, going after the things we are “suppose” to strive for & then find ourselves burnt out and broke. We are not designed to be “producing” all the time. There is a flow and cycle to everything. For me, I have set the intention, I have done the work, I am present and mindful and now it’s time to surrender to the flow and receive this new experience. Learning how to leverage currents within us and around us will bring wealth, clarity and pleasure towards all areas of our lives. Cant make it to my in-person workshops and events?? Luckily, I'm all about sharing the wealth: My Top 5 Ways to Plug Money Leaks:
Let me know in the comments below. I’ll post my most expansive moment there |
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