4/18/2016 0 Comments Use the Breath, Don't be StressedIs stress stressing you out??? As a health practitioner, most of my clients, regardless of symptoms, are suffering from unmangaed stress. It creates muscle tension, it fatgues the mind, it wrecks havoc on our digestive health, it can lead to general inflammation throughout our entire system. Yes, getting plenty of rest, exercising at least 30 minutes a day and consuming high quality macro and micro-nutrients and such are all positive things you can do to manage and reduce stress, but sometimes you need to do something quick and you cant run home to take a nap, so what do you do? When in doubt, return to the breath. I've included a video of a breath practice you can do any time you need a quick, healthful fix. Learning how to control and use your breath can be a game changer when it comes to stress manangement. If you have more questions about the practice, email me at [email protected].
February 2018
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