4/8/2015 1 Comment Step 5: The PlanNow that your buzzing from your practice of aligning with spirit, with source, it’s time to make the plan for your day. First, staying in a meditative zone, write out your daily schedule, maybe something like this:
Example: 6:30-8am Daily Practice/Get Ready 9-5pm Work 6-7:30pm Dinner with Friends 8-10pm Home/Rest Now, write out your To-Do list. All of it. Now look at the list. Circle the things that need an hour or more of uninterrupted time. You will choose 1 of those things and put it on your To-Do list for today. Now, is there anything you’ve been procrastinating on? Choose one of those and add it to your list for today. Now, you can choose one other task and add it to your list for today. All the other things that didnt make today's list will be up for selection for tomorrow's list. But the secret is feeling good at the end of your day. The most you can possibly get done in a day with the rest of your life happening is 3 things. Let your To-Do list be 3 things. If you complete even 1 of those 3 things, you have won the day! So many of us, beat ourselves up for not completing all the things we are “expected” to do. If you do 1 chore, 1 “to-do” beyond your regular schedule, that is awesome. Your life is already busy enough just living, so be easy on yourself. Also, everyday choose one healthful habit that you’ll try to incorporate today. It can be as easy as “Today, I’ll eat lunch at a table and not in my car.” I also like to add the do something that inspires you. That old motto “Do one thing a day that scares you”, choose one thing that pushes your boundaries a bit. It can be something like today I’m going to a writer’s meet up or today I’m going to try a new recipe. Just as in yoga class, when you set an intention for your practice, let this day be your practice. Embody the intention, you can you I FEEL or I AM… I feel radiant or I am grace, etc… "I am" are two of the most powerful words for manifesting our reality. How you talk about yourself and how you talk to yourself are extremely important. Words have power, use your gifts for good. Now, it’s time to experience this day you’ve created. I’ll meet you back here at the end of your day for the final step in creating a sacred day.
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